The following is a curated collection of suggested tools, resources and activities for parishes, schools and ministries to use. The collection will be expanded over time. If you would like to recommend additional items for this collection, please email
“in everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.”
Nurturing relationships focuses on how, in Christ, we relate to and communicate with each other in the spaces where we are not in conflict, so that deep bonds built on trust might protect our unity when differences arise.
Communication tools for effective leaders: Forbes website suggestions.
Tips for remembering names: Christian website suggestions.
Communication tools for spouses: Christian website suggestions.
How to lead scripture-based group contemplative prayer: anglican focus feature.
How to host a Zoom trivia night: anglican focus feature.
How to run an effective young adults’ group: anglican focus feature.
How to run an effective and engaging Sunday children’s ministry: anglican focus feature.
Sign up to receive the monthly AYCF newsletter: this newsletter is filled with resources, tools, ideas and tips.
Articles and Resources
Creating a community of care: anglican focus feature.
Nurturing disciples: anglican focus feature.
Nurturing relationships on social media: blog tips for non-profits.
‘Grace and Dialogue’ resource: Church of England booklet.
Archbishop’s New Year message re ‘Being Together: Nurturing Relationships’: short anglican focus video.
Douglas Talks: a Christian video series featuring a muppet, with this video focused on kindness.
#EatTogether: short video of diverse people living in an apartment complex have a spontaneous dinner in the hallway to connect and get to know each other.
Accepting, loving and nurturing self: short video on a woman yoga teacher practising body acceptance.
Encouraging each other and building each other up
Using language that builds each other up
Being quick to listen and slow to anger
Ensuring we meet together and encouraging good deeds
Being humble, patient and gentle and keeping the unity of the Spirit
Being loving and sharing adversity
Jars of Clay ‘They will know we are Christians’: song on YouTube, with text on screen.
Activities for adults
Five simple activities to build relationships with fellow Christians: Christian website suggestions.
Activities for children
Six relationship building activities for youth: Christian website suggestions.
Parent/child activities from Christian website: five activities that nurture parent/child relationship.
Educational games
Card game: Acting Kindly @School overview and card game and associated Tedx Talk.
Got a suggestion for possible including on this page to help resources our parishes and ministries on the theme of Nurturing Relationships? Please email