What is The Bush Ministry Fund?
The Western Region covers a huge area that begins with the significant cities of Ipswich and Toowoomba in the east, through to remote sheep and cattle stations in the west. We have primary producers growing vegetables, grapes, olives, wheat, sorghum, barley, cotton, sheep, cattle and goats, in physical and economic environments that are challenging. Over the years there has been a significant demographic shift away from rural and remote Australia to regional and metropolitan centres, partly due to an increased mechanisation in agriculture and partly due to a decreased demand for primary produce – particularly wool. All this is compounded by the ongoing challenges of prolonged drought, floods, feral dogs, cumulative debt, and unpredictable changes in Government policy. In spite of all this there is extraordinary resilience and faithfulness in our rural and remote communities and the desire among them to be pastorally cared for, gathered for worship, and growing in Christ. Our response to this reality is ‘The Bush Ministry Fund’.
BMF Caps
Our new Bush Ministry Caps will be available for purchase at Synod 2023.
The caps are $25 each will all proceeds going to the Bush Ministry Fund.
Pre-order your BMF Caps today by emailing Helen Briffa via hbriffa@anglicanchurchsq.org.au or by calling 07 4639 1875.
How to order your BMF money box
Our new Bush Ministry Fund money boxes are a fun and easy way for individuals, families, parishes and schools to donate to bush ministry in our Diocese. Order your BMF money box today by emailing Helen Briffa via hbriffa@anglicanchurchsq.org.au or by calling 07 4639 1875.
Blessing from Bishop Cameron
Among the scattered communities of the Western Region we have a significant range of contexts for ministry. Culturally diverse congregations in Ipswich and Toowoomba, team ministries with a number of skilled clergy in a single Parish; Parishes with part-time clergy; Parishes that are led by lay ministry teams; and Parishes that have combined to form Ministry Districts. Increasingly we are blessed with partnerships between Parishes and schools within the Western Region, partnerships between denominations, and partnerships between Parishes and schools in other regions. There is a renewed call to pilgrimage being explored: in what ways does God call us to journey together, encourage and support one another, grow in relationship with one another, and have more clearly a sense of shared purpose and mission?
“God of love we give thanks for the gift of our lives and for your life in us. We give thanks for the many contexts of ministry you call us to, and in all things ask for a greater openness to the guidance of your Spirit. We thank you for the resources you have blessed us with and pray that you help us work together: so that communities throughout the Western Region can flourish, and people throughout the Western Region can be nurtured be drawn more deeply into relationship with you. We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Outback Calling
As you travel from the east to the west of the region there are three tree species that dominate: in the east there is Brigalow country (Acacia harpophylla), which changes as conditions get harder to Mulga country (Acacia aneura), and finally to Gidgee country in the toughest of conditions (Acacia cambagei). In the same way that different tree species have adapted to different conditions the Anglican Church has different models operating in the Western Region. We have Parishes that can sustain clergy in the east, and we have Parishes and Districts that need financial support to operate. We have services in churches throughout the region, and increasingly well attended services on cattle and sheep properties – with a BBQ and a beer afterwards!
We invite people throughout the Diocese to support ministry in the bush through prayer
We invite people throughout the Diocese to financially support ministry in the west through the Bush Ministry Fund
We invite Parishes in the east to creatively partner with Parishes in the bush
We invite gifted clergy to consider a call to the west for a season or two
We invite YOU to come and visit and get to know some of the fantastic people and places of the bush.
How your BMF donations assist the Western Region
In 2022, The Bush Ministry Fund is supporting the following projects:
Project 1 – $25,000 Subsidising full-time ministry for Allora Clifton Parish;
Project 2 – $5,000 Contribution to Warwick Parish for curacy supervision at Allora-Clifton Parish;
Project 3 – $15,000 Subsidising part-time ministry for Brisbane Valley Parish;
Project 4 – $5,000 Contribution to Toowoomba West for curacy supervision at Brisbane Valley;
Project 5 – $10,000 Subsidising part-time ministry for Drayton Parish (1 day/week);
Project 6 – $10,000 Creating weekly emailed worship resources for rural parishes;
Project 7 – $25,000 Subsidising full-time ministry for Goonaneman Parish;
Project 8 – $20,000 Subsidising full-time ministry for Goondiwindi Parish;
Project 9 – $8,000 Subsidising occasional visits for sacramental ministry.
TOTAL – $123,000 Bush Ministry Fund Budget for 2023/24
For more news, please look out for BMF updates on anglicanfocus.
The Reverend John Rolley at Goondiwindi Parish
The Bush Ministry Fund (BMF) was established in 1998 to provide support for struggling parishes and clergy in the Western Region of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland.
The aim of BMF is to maintain a caring ministry to families who live in towns and on properties in rural and remote area. Through these grants clergy can visit any property and are available to offer care and spiritual support, not only to Anglicans, but to anybody who seeks assistance in the community.
The BMF raises funds for ministry in the Western Region and encourages prayer. The money raised is primarily used to help parishes pay for the provision of ordained ministers, mostly in the form of stipends.
The BMF provides funds for:
The payment of Clergy Stipend
Vehicle running costs of travelling on the road for long distances
The replacement of motor vehicles when required.
How to Donate
Credit/Debit Card Online:
Donations made via credit card non-refundable.
Direct Deposit:
BSB: 704-901
Account number: 00013448
Account name: Corp of Synod of Dioc Brisbane
Reference: BMF [Parish Name]
To generate a receipt please email
finance@anglicanchurchsq.org.au or hbriffa@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Donations can be made also by posting a cheque, made out to
Bush Ministry Fund:
Anglican Church Southern Queensland
Diocesan Finance Team
GPO Box 421
Brisbane QLD 4001
Please include a note stating your name, address, amount donated, and that the donation is for the BMF.